Sunday, July 25, 2010

Elle Belle

WOW, I haven't posted on here in months!! I guess that just shows how busy I was with school! Now that I am done I will try and keep this updated for your viewing pleasure!

Ellie is now 15 months old, she is so much fun and is like a sponge picking up new things everyday!! A few of the new words she is now saying are Baba (her favorite), Dadda, Mamma, Gaga (for grandma), hi, dog, and she can moo like a cow and bark like a dog! Some of the things she is doing are blowing kisses,giving kisses, waving hello or goodbye, giving high fives, pointing to her belly button and she will shake your hand if you say, "it's nice to meet you." She is also able to climb on just about anything!! She loves animals however dogs are her favorite, if she can she will hug them and open her mouth for a kiss!

Here are a few fun pictures that we have recently taken.

She LOVES to swim!

She loves suckers, can you tell?

Her first hair trim! We just had her bangs trimmed so they weren't in her eyes, as you can see, it wasn't her favorite thing to do!
I think I can handle this......
We sure did miss Dadda this weekend but we still managed to have fun hanging around the house!

Peanut Butter and Jelly anyone?