Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ellie loves to take a bath!

Getting ready for Christmas!

Ellie is getting ready for her first Christmas!! We can't wait to take her to visit Santa! She is also a busy girl, crawling, pulling up on things and furniture walking.

Here are a few holiday pictures....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ellie had a great Halloween, she was able to see all of her Grandparents and some of her Great-Grandparents!Add Image

The Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Patch! Ellie went to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time, she didn't seem to love it this year-maybe she will enjoy it more next year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Swings!

Ellie loves to go to the park, the swings are her favorite!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We also went on a trip to Boston for Auntie Kristen and Uncle Mike's Wedding! Ellie did great on the plane and slept the entire time for both flights! She also loved Boston, she loved sitting in her stroller looking out at the city, she is not a homebody!

Apple Picking!

We have had a busy month! We decided to drive to Oak Glen and go Apple Picking, we had a lot of fun and ate some delicious apples!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ellie is getting so big!

I haven't been great with updating this blog lately but Ellie is getting sooo big! She loves her oatmeal and baby food and is doing really well eating it too! She is also scooting all over the place and babbling up a storm. She is such a joy and blesses us with the cutest smiles everyday. Here are a few recent pictures of her....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Elle has earrings!

She also got her ears pierced and doesn't seem to even notice she has earrings. Auntie Amber went with us and had one of her ears re-pierced, such a fun day!

It's been a busy month! She has been laughing and smiling and is working on rolling over. Overall, she is a very happy baby! Here are some fun recent pictures!